Saturday, January 12, 2008

6th Presentation-Pakistan

JAY: First of all, i would like to say 'welcome to the New Year of Islam'. May Allah bless us. Em, today's presentation is about Pakistan and the presenter is a lady which smiles all the time, Julida. From the presentation, it makes me more knowledgeable about Pakistan, now i know about the major conflicts in Pakistan which are the war between India & Pakistan, and the war between West Pakistan and East Pakistan. The latest issue is about Benazir assasination, the issue brings to the election which is on 18th February 2008.

For Julida's presentation, she is really a good memorizer, she is able to deliver the speech without depending on her text. Also, she follows the flow of the presentation which makes us more understand. But, she can improve on her volume of voice, means that she must speak louder.

Eyllia: Salam to's presentation is about Pakistan, which is 1046 km coastline along the Arabian Sea (south) and is bordered by Afghanistan and Iran (west), India (east) and China (far northeast).This topic was presented by JULIDA.From her presentation, i acquire lots of knowledge about this country, for example the major events that used to happen in Pakistan such as Indo-Pakistani War (1947) and Bangladesh-Liberation war (1971).

In first major conflict, this is about war between India & Pakistan, who fighting over the region of Kashmir...while the second major conflict is between West Pakistan and East Pakistan (Bangladesh).This war led to East Pakistan declaring its independence as the state of Bangladesh.however, in this war pakistan loss because they do not have well strategy plan..the current issue is about Benazir assassination.this happen on december,27,2007.she was shoot by gun twice at her brain and shoulder.the supporters of Benazir start to make chaos at the certain city.Bilawal (son) hope for a fair election.

for JULIDA's presentation, she doing a good job..she sometimes refer to the notes but its ok for that.anyway, her gesture is ok, her voice is a little bit monotonous..well she can improve on that.overall, her presentation is interesting! :)