Sunday, December 30, 2007

2nd presentation_Afghanistan

JAY: halooo!!!!!!!.. we're back on the floor.
hurm, the second presentation was on December 28, 2007. it was presented by Amalina Munira and the tittle was Afghanistan. :-)
In my opinion, the presentation about Afghanistan has helped me a lot in gaining my knowledge. honestly this is because i'm not always reading newspapers. based on the presentation, now i know about the location of Afghanistan, historical background and the conflict or issues. it makes me realize that Afghanistan is a Muslim country but unfortunately they have many conflicts and being colonized by the powerful country. from my suggestion, we can help them by collecting donation and make a campaign about saving Afghanistan from the interference of other countries.

For Amalina's presentation, she manages to deliver the presentation successfully, she cathes the attention of the aundiences by asking questions and showing some pictures. i think she can improve on her response to the person that she asks the question, she could add her opinion the person's answer. hurm, i'm proud of u buddy!!!

Yaya: the topic presented was not in-depth much in my opinion but at least the info shared is basic and easy to digest.
whereas the presenter, she maintained short eye contact with several people but it was so brief that it gave me the impression that she is nervous. all in all, a job well done!

Eyllia: all right then, this is my turn to post the comment on Amalina's presentation..for me overall she did a good job in this topic. before this, i did not know about Afghanistan..just a little bit about it which media had presented to people..but now i know about what happen in Afghanistan even it is not in-depth information.She also good in managing her time..about the Q n A's session, well there's a room that she can improve it if she well-prepared for several questions that had been thrown to her. well, she seemed to be nervous but it was not disturbing the flow of her presentation..ALL THE BEST TO YOU!!! THANK YOU :)