Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Landmark Speech - Hugo Chavez’s UN speech

Salaam to all! Yaya here. it's been a long time since i've updated, huh? well midterms are a killer not to mention the innumerable assignments that we have to do have made this blog lost in my path of life. hehe.

anyway after all groups did the landmark speech ages ago, now's the time to write down what others thought of those speeches. for this blog, i've been assigned to comment on Hugo Chavez's UN speech.

1) speech style: the speech was presented in segments but easily grasp and understood. the funny part was Sis Umi's when she re-enact the significant part of the speech but since it was in a loud voice, it made a great impact on me.

2) opinion on the background of the speech: the background of the speech was very brief but easily understandable. now I know who the person behind the stunning and brave speech.

3) opinion on the particular personality: i have to say that the Hugo Chavez is a very brave man to be comparing the US president with a devil. his metaphors of abhorrence towards the US president is so deep and vivid that it clearly shows his dislike towards that man. to be honest, i've never heard of Hugo Chavez before but now i've been enlightened by the landmark speech performance by Sis Umi's group. May Hugo Chavez achieve his goals and success in his time to come.

i've found a videoclip titled chavez vs bush. you all should watch it. here's the link:

a job well done. i realize i have to search more on this person when i have the time. i'm interested to know more. until then, ciao!