Tuesday, July 29, 2008

My DeAr FriEnDS

> > > > > >
> > > hye my friends.....(^_^)....hehehe
> > > > > > What would you do if every time you
wanted someone they would never be there?

What would you do if for every
moment you were truly happy there would be 10
moments of sadness?

What would you do if your best friend
died tomorrow and you never got to
tell them how you felt?

So, I just wanted to
say, even if I never talk to you again in my life,
you are special to me and you have made a
difference in my life. I look up to you, respect you, and
truly cherish you. Let old
friends know you haven't forgotten them,and tell new
friends you never will. Remember, everyone
needs a friend, someday.

> > > > > > >

week 4


today i have no class because my lecturer is busy for the whole day. hurm, i just want 2 say that i really enjoyed working with my group members during our prof speech class. group 1 mmg sempoi & awesome!!!! group len jgn jeles k...huhuk

Friday, March 14, 2008


Jay was a great friend; a kind, a shy gurl, caring and loving gurl. She was the kind of friend that stands by you when you need somebody to be there. She was a person that can be truly a best friend, a friend that rich with her ideas.

What is it that we remember when we think of Jay? I think everyone who knows her very well would agree with me on this. It was her kindness, caring, loving and shy girl. She will listen to her friends’ problem and always gave supports and useful solutions to them. Sometimes, she always did her spontaneous jokes that would make everyone laugh so hard that they’d end up crying.

That is what I will truly miss about Jay. She could make me laugh when I am really sad. She always cheered me up when she knew I just had a bad day. That’s the trademark of Jay. She always wanted to make people happy.

Jay’s death was sudden. I remember when I heard the news I simply could not believe it. Jay was too young but as it slowly occurred to me I have realized that Jay indeed lived her life wonderfully. Jay was well-loved and she had done so many things on earth and I’m sure she’ll do much more in the Hereafter. I will forever be grateful to have known Jay.

I will forever be grateful that Jay was there at the right place and at the right time to cheer me up and to stand at my side. I will forever be grateful for spending 15 years of my life with a friend like her. All the memories I have shared with her will forever be cherished and remembered. Jay will forever live in my heart… In our hearts.

Jay is no longer live. This is not the time for us to grieve her death but it’s our time to celebrate her life. Don’t ever forget Jay. She never wanted to see people cry. She wanted to make everyone happy. So at this moment, let’s all think back and remember how Jay touched our lives. How she made us laugh and how good Jay was as a person. This is not the moment for us to shed our tears but we should all be thankful that we were given the chance to have known a friend named Jay.

Jay will forever be missed but I know in the right time, I will meet Jay again.

Yaya's Eulogy

Salaam to all. Yaya here. All of us were assigned to write our own eulogy. As you all know, eulogy is one of the types of ceremonial speech one has to present, and since we're taking Professional Speech Communication, we have to do this. I'm glad that our lecturer only told us to write the eulogy and post it here rather than present it out loud in front of an audience.

for my eulogy, the format is for a sister. I want my younger brother to read it to all when i die someday. I actually asked him for the points and the rest is history. so without further delay, here's my eulogy.

Eulogy for my beloved sister

I'm sure everyone knows who Nadiah was. She was affectionately called 'Yaya' by many. I remember that pet name very well because I was the one who came up with that name. I couldn't even pronounce her name properly as that time I was still the little boy who was still speaking in that childish mumble. I'm sure all of you have noticed that that name was shared by a number of my younger cousins as well.

She was my sister, my best buddy, and a warrior in and out cause i never won an argument with her and ended up being bossed around. only by her will I let that happen. She always projected a strong image and was very confident.

Yaya was a tall gal, liked to wave at people a lot. She doesn't talk much and I'm still surprise that a lot of people knew her. I guess she's a quiet social butterfly then. I think that people were attracted to her because of her smile. Her smile always made me feel that everything was alright. A friend of hers told me that what she remembers vividly about Yaya is her voice; she used to call Yaya 'Chipmunk'. I'm sure everybody agrees to that.

Mama and papa was always so proud of her cause she never gave us problems. I used to be jealous of her as she always seems the perfect child to me and always get the attention of my parents. Even so, she never gloated to me on that and never neglected to include me in everything that she does, be it when playing or studying. I learned a lot from her and suddenly my jealousy evaporated and changed into idolize.

I have so many memories with her cause she's the only sibling I had. Mama only wanted one boy and one girl. Hence, I was very close to her and refer a lot of things to her. Even when she was studying overseas, I would sent her a message, even if it was about little things like what to buy for our mother's birthday. I guess even good things had to end, and having her as my sister was one of the best things in my life.

Education is very important and its importance is stressed a lot by the government. She was the role model for me and I know for all of my cousins as well. Even though we studied not in the government school but instead in madrasahs, she pursued and proved that we can go further not just in the religious sector as most perceived us to, but we can also continue in other faculties and fields. She was not alone in that journey; she told me once that she would not have made it if not for the presence and support of her friends. I thank her friends for making her journey fun and memorable.

At the peak of Yaya’s young and simple life, no one thought that her life will end in a tragic way. We thought that Yaya would be a successful career-woman and would have a family of her own to grow old with. I dreamt once of being busy organizing and setting up for her wedding with all the other family members, to finally see her as a blushing bride. But I guess that dream is blown to the wind now.

Yaya is now undergoing her next stage of life that is the journey to the Hereafter. Let us make doa for her so that she may end up in Jannah, Insya-Allah. She will be in our heart forever. We will always be proud of you.

Yaya’s favorite quote “Live life to the fullest. Never regret”.
Yaya was mama’s girl.
Yaya was my lovely sister.
Yaya was everybody's favorite niece.
Yaya was never a spoilsport; everyone's crazy buddy.
May Allah Bless you all and give you comfort.

We love you.

an Arabic eulogy

Salaam to all. Yaya here. I was searching for a sample for eulogy and stumble upon this Arabic poem which is written in the form of a eulogy. Just want to share with all.

In the following poem, Al-Khansa, the great pre-Islamic Arab poetess, laments the murder of her brother Sakhr. The poem is in the form of a eulogy.

I was sleepless, and I passed the night keeping vigil, as if

my eyes had been anointed with pus,

Watching the stars--and I had not been charged to watch them-

and anon wrapping myself in the ends of ragged robes.

For I had heard--and it was not news to rejoice me--one making

report, who had come repeating intelligence,

Saying, "Sakhr is dwelling there in a tomb, struck to the

ground beside the grave, between certain stones."

Depart then, and may God not keep you far (from Him), being

a man who eschewed injustice, and ever sought after bloodwit.

You used to carry a heart that brooked no wrong, compounded

in a nature that was never cowardly,

Like the spear-point whose (bright) shape lights up the night,

(a man) bitter in resolution, free and the son of free-men.

So I shall weep for you, so long as ringdove laments and the

night stars shine for the traveler,

And I shall never make my peace with a people with whom you

were at war, not till the black cooking-pot of the (good)

host becomes white]

Great poem isn't it? Till then, toodles.

17th presentation - Bosnia

Salaam to all. Yaya here. As always, the review of a classmate's informative presentation has to be posted.

The 17th presentation was done by sr. Umi Khairani and the topic was a country called Bosnia.

Bosnia and Herzegovina (Latin: Bosna i Hercegovina, Cyrillic: Босна и Херцеговина) is a country on the Balkan peninsula of Southern Europe. The country is home to three ethnic "constituent peoples": Bosniaks, Serbs and Croats.

The topic presented was very interesting and infamous because I recalled what happened to Bosnia caused an uproar on the Muslim community in the whole world. I was too naive and innocent at that time so I didn't understand much of what was going on.
By sr. Umi's presentation I finally got the big picture of the tragedy that befell on the Muslim society there. Even though I arrived in class late that day, the moment I sat down I was pulled and absorbed into her presentation. It was brief and easily understandable.

About the presenter herself, sr. Umi was very passionate when giving the presentation. her voice was loud and very clear but i could detect the difficulties pronouncing the words as English is not her 1st language after all.

All in all, a very eye-opening presentation. A job well done. Muslims all over the world, be aware of what is happening to your brothers and sisters in other countries. Be thankful of what you have and that you are not suffering as they are in Bosnia.

I found a fantastic site that gave a lot of info about countries that have suffered from genocides. Here's the link,

13th Presentation - Turkey

Salaam to all. Yaya here. Another class, another topic was presented. Not many people came to class that day, I wonder why.

This time the topic is the country of Turkey and the presenter is none other than my conference and landmark speech group mate, sr. Wahidah.

I actually forgot to post this this topic, Sorry! Anyway, let's move on. Turkey's recent issue about the non-permission to wear the head scarf is what causes uproar and sarcastic remarks from other Muslims, that an Islamic country to banned the head scarf is totally illogical and blasphemous. The factor that is actually responsible is this phenomena is secularism. Of all the issue that sr. Wahidah presented, honestly I could only remember this one.

About miss presenter, her voice tone was high and very clear, she does not have to make an effort to raise her voice at all. I really admire that. she presented it briefly and in bite size form that it was easily understandable. There wasn't much gesture and she didn't move alot, but i think her voice make up for it. since there weren't many people present, she had managed to maintain eye contact but not for long.

All in all, good job sr. Wahidah.